3 Market Insights for Investors in Q2 2024

Here are three insights to help investors navigate this quarter, focusing on positive fundamentals and long-term rewards over short-term uncertainty and negative headlines. Read more here…

How Presidential Elections Affect the Stock Market

In this week’s Commentary, we provide investors with some historical insights and perspective on how the economy performs, and how the stock market responds to presidential elections, as well as shifts in the balance of power in Congress. Read more here…

Our 2024 Fearless Forecast: Can the Fed Deliver a Soft Landing?

Our outlook for 2024 is bullish for both stocks and bonds. While we expect modest equity returns compared to last year, we see the S&P 500 rising this year, as falling inflation, modest economic growth, above-average profit growth, lower interest rates, and the now famous “Powell Pivot” breathes life into the prospects of a soft-landing. Read more here…

Mid-Year Outlook: Putting the Inflation Genie Back in the Bottle. Can the Fed Engineer a Soft Landing?

As we enter the second half of 2022, investors will continue to face a myriad of economic cross- currents. These include persistently high inflation, the prospect of rising interest rates, economic contraction and falling corporate profits. While it’s too soon to say with confidence… these are the hallmarks of stagflation; an economic scenario that investors have not seen since the 70s. Read more here…

Winds of Change and Europe… An Update…

The crisis in Europe is truly different and navigating it requires all of the facets of sound investing cited above. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has thrown financial markets into disarray, and by all measures, the outcome is highly uncertain. This exercise helps us pivot in the right direction with confidence, once we are able to clarify and combine unknown information with known information. Read more here…

Winds of Change… And The Russian Invasion of Ukraine

We have been speaking with many of you over the last few days about the impact of unfolding events in Europe. Specifically, many wonder where they might end, and what steps you should take to secure yourself, your family and your finances. This article will not speculate on the outcome in Ukraine. War never unfolds in the manner combatants intend as they start. However, we can identify some prudent steps that are appropriate for these times…

Are You Prepared for “The Great Rotation”?

2021 was a year in which investors consistently climbed “A Wall of Worry” and looked past a long list of issues to worry about. The S&P 500 notched 70 all-time new highs in 2021, a record not seen since 1995. There is no doubt that the ability to shrug of obvious risk factors is the hallmark of bull markets; that was certainly the case in 2021. Read more here…

Winds of Change?

The band The Scorpions was formed in 1965 in Hanover, Germany. In 1985, they released several hit songs including “Send Me an Angel” and “Wind of Change.” The latter popular hit celebrated the changes signaling the end of the Cold War. Much like in 1987, the financial markets today are also signaling the coming winds of change – in the form of inflation driven by a combination of supply and demand effects more persistent than was first believed. Read more here…